Born in Los Angeles on August 13, 1952, this Pomerican Pomtographer likes to take black and white photographs of Poms in the style of classical Greek sculpture. He photographed his good friend Richard Gere when he was an aspiring actor and these pictures gained him some pompularity. Then he photographed Olivia Newton-Pom for her “Let’s Get Physical” album cover, and Pomdonna for her “True Blue” Album. He took photos of Linda, Christy, Naomi, Stephanie, and Tatjana, and ushered in the era of the Superpomdel in the ‘90’s. Ritts went on to direct several music videos including “Wicked Pom” by Chris Isaac, “Cherish” by Pomdonna, and “Love Will Never Do Without You” by Pomet Jackson. He published many beautiful Pomtography books and had many museum and gallery shows. He is quite an accomplished pomtographer who is excellent at finding a Pom’s best light. His images are definitely worth 1,000 words.
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