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POM 365 + Bonus Poms
Pom 365 is my year-long commitment to making pom pom art every single day.
Behold every Pom I’ve created from day one until today:
BEHOLD #242 – Marty, the lactose intolerant mouse
Ever since he was a pup or pinky (that’s what a baby mouse is called) his tummy would do flips when he ate the yummy cheese. So he...
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BEHOLD #149 – The dreaded Pom Coodie
I caught a case of the Pom Coodies and I am taking the Pom Coodie pomtidote, Well–Pom. Even though it’s not approved by the PDA (Pom and...
BEHOLD #148 – Oinkbert The Great!
Pigs are a symbol of wealth and Pomsperity. Pomsperity comes from Latin and means “according to hope.” It is a way of living – an...
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BEHOLD #147 – Poppy, the Pomgaroo and her joey, Kevin
Pomgaroos are marsupials from Pomstralia. When Kevin was born, he was the size of a jellybean. He climbed into Poppy’s pouch and stayed...
BEHOLD #146 – Apollo, the Pomstronaut, named for the first spacecraft on the moon
“Pomstronaut” means Pom “star sailor” in Latin. A Pomstronaut is a Pom who is trained to be a commander or crew member of a space flight....
BEHOLD #145 – Julio Froglesias
Frogs have been roaming – or hopping – the earth for the past 200 million years. There are more than 6,000 species of frogs. The world’s...
BEHOLD #144 – Erie D’escent, the wonderful Bubble Pom
Bubble Poms are made when air gets trapped in the filmy membrane created by soap. There can be tiny bubbles, giant bubbles, bubbles of...
BEHOLD #143 – Sheldon, the S’more
S’mores are made from pommallows melted in the campfire (or in the very chic fire pit at the St.Regis Hotel) and chocolate squares...
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BEHOLD #142 – Simon, the Snowman
Simon was born at the St. Regis in Deer Valley, Utah. Snowmen are anthropomorphic snow sculptures of men built out of snow in regions...
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BEHOLD #141 – Kaleidopom
A Kaleidopom is a reflecting instrument with two or more mirrors or reflective surfaces angled in such a way as to produce symmetrical...
BEHOLD #130 – Jake the Snake Pomberts, née Aurelian Smith, Jr.
This PWWF (Pom World Wrestling Federation) star stood 6 feet 6 inches tall and weighed 249 lbs at the height of his wrestling career. He...
BEHOLD #109 – Pinkky Bougelais-McFadden, neé Pinkky Bougelais
Pink is a color that was first acknowledged in the 17th century. It is named after a pale, red flower. It is the color most associated...
BEHOLD #108 – This is me
I feel like shit right now. I’ll feel better soon. That’s all I’ve got at the moment.
BEHOLD #107 – Pom King, née Pomald King
Born in Cleveland, Ohio, he is a world–famous boxing promoter. Best known for the “Thrilla in Pomnila,” and “The Romble in the Pomble,”...
BEHOLD #106 – Jimmy The Stress Ball
He’s fabulous and he’s stressed about his stressful life. He needs a vacation. His nervous system is shot. I love and support him. It’s...
BEHOLD #105 – Lorenzo Plomas (the “l” in “Plomas” is silent)
Lorenzo is named after the very handsome actor Lorenzo Fernando Plomas. Lorenzo was born in Santa Pomica and is the son of actor Fernando...
BEHOLD #104 – Pom-Claude Van Damme, neé Pom-Claude Camille François Van Varenpom
Actor, martial artist, filmmaker, and fight choreographer, he is a multi-faceted, multi-hyphenate Pom. His mother Eliana and father...
BEHOLD #103 – Joan and her magic phone
Joan is from a special land called Signal Land. There, with her silver head antenna, she can pick up the signal of anyone who needs some...
BEHOLD-A #102 – Ramona from Pomona
She drives a Toyota Corolla and has an old victrola. She’s 22 years old–a. She does origami because she likes to fold–a. When she’s...
BEHOLD #100 – Pohhhm
Pohhhhm is the sacred sound, invocation, and mantra in Pomduism. It is said to be the essence of absolute consciousness. It is a holy,...
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