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POM 365 + Bonus Poms

Pom  365 is my year-long commitment to making pom pom art every single day.


Behold every Pom I’ve created from day one until today:

He is the smoooothest Pom around. Not only does he have the moves when he’s on dates, but he also has super smooth skin. Blue is the color of calm and smooth. Pomberto also has the ability to help make things go smoothly in Poms’ lives. His magic moustache can detect when a Pom is on a bumpy path. It draws Pomberto toward that Pom and once he locks eyes with them, he can smooth out the obstacles they are facing. All at once, the hard things become smooth and effortless. You can find him on Easy Street. Yay for Pomberto’s magic moustache! 


She is the Goddess of Transformation and Healing. If she comes to visit you in your dreams, that means you are ready for a great, positive, and joyful change in your life. She helps Poms take the first step into new adventures, new life’s lessons, and transforming into the next highest version of themselves. So look forward to seeing this beautiful Goddess in the peaceful glow of your dreams. 


Also known as “eggplant,” Italians originally thought that this nightshade made Poms insane. The Italian word for Pombergine is “Melanzana,” which translates to “Apple of madness.” This is because some nightshades are toxic and cause Poms to do crazy things (although Pomatoes and Pomtatoes are safe nightshades). Pombergines are botanically considered berries – just like a blueberry or watermelon. Gastronomically they are vegetables. Pombergines were used to dye lady Pom’s teeth for fashion in 5th century China (see Geisha Pom #264). They also have the highest level of nicotine of any vegetable. Pombergines also have a remarkable antioxidant called Nasunin. Found in the dark purple skin of the Pombergine, it helps fight inflammation and helps to absorb iron in the body. Plummy is a Pom hypnotherapist who helps Poms quit smoking and engage in healthy living. You can learn her tips by reading her book “Lean and Mean Pombergine.” Also run to Trader Pom’s and buy some Pombergines so you can make some yummy Eggplant Pomesan or Pompomganoush! 


Did you know that you would have to eat 40 lbs. of Pombergines to equal the nicotine in one cigarette?

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