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POM 365 + Bonus Poms

Pom  365 is my year-long commitment to making pom pom art every single day.


Behold every Pom I’ve created from day one until today:

Energy is defined as the ability to do work. It can take many forms, such as light, heat, and electrical. Force can be applied to energy to move things and energy can also change things. In the body, energy is used to repair cells and body tissue, and to build muscle. Ernie is the type of energy that does work, but he loves what he does so much that it doesn’t feel like work. He works on top secret projects for NAPSA (National Aeronautics and Pom Space Administration) and this work comes effortlessly to him. It provides him with great joy and fun. So, others see Ernie as animated, enthusiastic, and gregarious. He is excited for you to experience his cutting edge space creations. Onward and upward!


Here I am as Pom 366, the embodiment of success, completion and commitment. “Success” is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. I accomplished creating 365 Poms in 365 days – exactly as I set out to do. “Completion” is the act or process of finishing something. I have now officially finished Phase 1 of the Pom 365 project. “Commitment” is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause. I have dedicated one year of my life to this project, and I have enjoyed every minute, every challenge, and every lesson learned. I love every single Pom I created – and I look forward to creating many more. I also love every person who has been on this journey with me. It has been a privilege to share it with you and you are a gift to me. Thank you.

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